Firmware 4.0: Neuer Aufnahme Modus
Computerbild hat die neue Firmware 4.0 schon ausprobieren knnen und berichtet ber einen neuen Aufnahme Modus, der die Technik der Kamera nutzt. Diese ist eine moderne Systemkamera mit hochwertigem Autofokus und Motiv Erkennungstechniken.
Konfigurieren des Modus
Der Modus wird ber das Kameramen aufgenommen und ist im Men Fotoaufnahmen zu finden. Unter dem Namen Automatisch Erfassen kann man verschiedene Einstellungen vornehmen.
Auslsen der Kamera
Es gibt drei Mglichkeiten die Kamera auszulsen. Zum einen kann man eine Bewegung wahrnehmen und auslsen lassen. Dabei kann man festlegen, aus welcher Richtung die Bewegung kommen soll. Dies ist besonders fr Sportfotografen interessant, aber auch fr Naturfotografen, die Tiere aufnehmen mchten, die scheu sind.
Weiterhin kann man ein Fahrzeug, einen Menschen oder ein Tier erkennen lassen. Auch hier kann man die Richtung festlegen, aus der die Bewegung kommen soll.
Einplanen von Zeit
Der Einstellprozess ist nicht ganz einfach, weshalb man fr das Ausprobieren etwas Zeit einplanen sollte.
Kann ich hier auch noch einstellen
Introducing Automated Photography
Automated photography is a great way to capture moments without having to manually take the photo. With the right settings, you can define a minimum and maximum distance, and anything within that zone will be photographed. You can also fine-tune the settings to get the perfect shot.
Motion Settings
When it comes to motion settings, you can use the dials to adjust the size of the object, how fast it is moving, and more. You can choose between 1 and 5, and you can experiment to find the perfect setting for your subject.
Different Modes
You can also choose different modes for your automated photography. You can choose to capture anything the camera recognizes, or you can specify that you only want to capture people, animals, or vehicles.
Distance Settings
You can also adjust the distance settings with the dials. You can see when the camera recognizes something within the distance range, and it will trigger the camera to take the photo. You can also adjust where the camera is looking, in case your subject is in the corner of the frame.
B bei der D850, aber jetzt auch bei der D6 und die andere Sache ist dass, man jetzt, auch, bei der D6, eine, Intervallaufnahme, machen kann also man kann jetzt, auch, bei der D6, einstellen, dass, die Kamera, alle, X Sekunden, ein Foto, aufnimmt und das, ist, dann, auch, wieder, eine, sehr, ntzliche, Funktion, zum Beispiel, fr, Astrofotografen, die, eben, eine, lange, Belichtung, machen, wollen, aber, auch, fr, andere, Motive, die, sich, ndern, wie, zum Beispiel, bei, einem, Wasserfall, oder, so, also, das, sind, zwei, kleinere, Neuerungen, die, aber, trotzdem, sehr, ntzlich, sind
Introducing the Nikon D6
The Nikon D6 is a powerful camera that offers a range of features to help photographers capture the perfect shot. One of the most notable features is the ability to set the camera to automatically take photos or videos with a range of parameters. This is especially useful for those who want to take photos or videos of birds, or any other subject that may take some time to capture.
Automatic Shooting
The Nikon D6 allows users to set the camera to automatically take photos or videos with a range of parameters. This includes setting the duration of the recording, as well as how long the camera should wait before taking another shot. This is especially useful for those who want to take photos or videos of birds, or any other subject that may take some time to capture.
Firmware Updates
The Nikon D6 also offers firmware updates that add new features and functions to the camera. This includes the ability to set a delay before the camera takes a photo or video, which is useful for night photography. There is also the ability to set the camera to take photos or videos at regular intervals, which is useful for astrophotography and other subjects that may change over time.
The Nikon D6 is a powerful camera that offers a range of features to help photographers capture the perfect shot. With the ability to set the camera to automatically take photos or videos with a range of parameters, as well as firmware updates that add new features and functions, the Nikon D6 is a great choice for any photographer.
Nikon Z9 and the New Autocapture Feature
The Nikon Z9 is the latest in Nikon’s line of smaller models, and it comes with a new autocapture feature. This feature is a protective shield for the sensor that is used for photography and filming, and it does not require a mechanical shutter. This means that the camera does not produce any shutter noise, but instead has a synthetic sound. Nikon has given photographers and videographers five different sounds to choose from.
Exploring the Autocapture Feature
To access the autocapture feature, users must go into the camera’s menu and select the “Kamera Signaltone” option. From there, they can choose which sound they would like to use. The original sound is quite subtle, so users can turn up the volume to make it louder. There are also four other sounds to choose from, including one that resembles a film SLR, one that resembles a digital SLR, one that resembles an old camera, and one that resembles a microwave.
Initial Impressions of the New Firmware
The new autocapture feature is not a necessary one, but it could be a nice addition for some users. Overall, the new firmware seems to be a great addition to the Nikon Z9.