Firmware 4.0: Neuer Aufnahme Modus
Computerbild konnte die neue Firmware 4.0 schon ausprobieren und stellt fest, dass es eine groe Neuerung gibt: ein neuer Aufnahme Modus. Dieser nutzt die Technik, die in der Kamera steckt, wie den hochwertigen Autofokus und die aufwendige Motiv-Erkennungstechnik. Damit kann man die Kamera automatisch auslsen lassen.
Der Einstellprozess ist nicht ganz einfach, weshalb man dafr etwas Zeit einplanen sollte. Der Modus wird ber das Kameramen aufgenommen, im Menpunkt Fotoaufnahmen. Hier kann man dann sehr viele Einstellungen vornehmen.
Auslsen der Kamera
Es gibt drei Mglichkeiten, die Kamera auszulsen. Man kann eine Bewegung wahrnehmen und dabei festlegen, aus welcher Richtung die Bewegung kommen soll. Dies ist besonders fr Sportfotografen und Naturfotografen interessant, die Tiere aufnehmen wollen, ohne dabei selbst anwesend zu sein. Es gibt die Mglichkeit, ein Fahrzeug, einen Menschen oder ein Tier zu erkennen.
Kann man, dann auch noch, einstellen, dass, die Kamera, da, guckt und dann, auch, dort, auslst
Automatic Photography with the Right Settings
When it comes to automatic photography, the right settings can make all the difference. You can define a minimum and maximum distance for something to come into the frame, and then anything within that zone will be photographed.
Fine-Tuning the Settings
You can also fine-tune the settings. For example, you can adjust the motion settings with dials between 1 and 5. You can also adjust the size of the object, and how fast it moves. It may take some trial and error to get the automatic shots to match your desired subject.
Choosing the Right Mode
Once you have chosen the right mode, you can press the okay button on the back of the camera. You can then set the camera to recognize different objects, such as people, animals, or vehicles. You can also adjust the distance settings with the dials, and the camera will recognize the appropriate distance and take a shot.
Focusing on the Right Area
Finally, you can adjust the camera to focus on the right area. For example, if your subject is in the top left or bottom right corner, you can set the camera to focus on that area. This way, you can ensure that the camera will take the shot when you switch it to the auto mode.
B. bei der D850 nicht und das ist, eine sehr ntzliche Funktion und das, andere, was, ich noch sagen wollte ist, dass, man, jetzt, auch, ein, Live View, Fokus, Stacking, machen kann das, heit, man, kann, jetzt, auch, im Live View, Modus, mehrere, Fotos, machen und die, dann, zu einem, Foto, zusammenfgen, das, heit, man, kann, jetzt, auch, im Live View, Modus, machen, dass, man, zum Beispiel, ein, Makrofoto, macht und das, ist, eine, Funktion, die, man, vorher, nicht, hatte, und, die, jetzt, durch, das, Firmware, Update, dazu, gekommen, ist
Introducing the Nikon D850 Firmware Update
The Nikon D850 is a powerful camera with a range of features that make it a great choice for photographers of all levels. One of the most exciting features of the D850 is the new firmware update, which adds a range of new features and improvements.
Automatic Shooting
One of the most useful features of the firmware update is the ability to set up automatic shooting. This allows the camera to take photos or videos without the photographer having to be present. This is especially useful for capturing wildlife or other subjects that require long periods of time to capture. The photographer can set the camera to take photos or videos for up to 30 minutes and the camera will continue to take photos or videos until the set time has elapsed.
Delayed Shutter Release
Another useful feature of the firmware update is the delayed shutter release. This allows the photographer to set a delay of up to three seconds before the shutter is released. This is especially useful for night photography, as it prevents the bright green LED from turning on and disrupting the darkness.
Live View Focus Stacking
The firmware update also adds the ability to do live view focus stacking. This allows the photographer to take multiple photos and combine them into one photo. This is especially useful for macro photography, as it allows the photographer to capture more detail than would be possible with a single photo.
The Nikon D850 firmware update adds a range of new features and improvements that make it an even more powerful camera. The ability to set up automatic shooting, delayed shutter release, and live view focus stacking are all great additions that make the D850 an even better choice for photographers of all levels.
Dingen, dass Nikon, hier, ein bisschen, an der, Bedienbarkeit, gearbeitet, hat, das, ist, schon, mal, ganz, gut, so dass man, ein bisschen, mehr, Einstellmglichkeiten, hat, und auch, ein bisschen, mehr, komfort, beim, Fotografieren, hat
Nikon Z9 and Z6 Models Introduce New Firmware
Nikon has released a new firmware update for their Z9 and Z6 models, introducing a range of new features. One of the most notable features is the introduction of a beauty function, which eliminates the need for a mechanical shutter. This means that the camera will not produce any shutter noise when taking photos or videos.
Five Different Sounds to Choose From
In order to give photographers and videographers a more realistic experience, Nikon has included five different sounds to choose from. These range from a sound reminiscent of a film SLR camera to one that resembles an old-fashioned mechanical camera.
Improved Usability
The new firmware update also shows that Nikon has been working on improving the usability of their cameras. The menu system has been streamlined, and there are now more options available for customizing the cameras settings. This makes it easier for users to get the most out of their camera.
Overall Impression
Overall, the new firmware update is a welcome addition to the Nikon Z9 and Z6 models. It adds a range of new features that make it easier to use the camera, as well as providing a more realistic experience for photographers and videographers.