
Today is a significant day for yoga enthusiasts from all over the world as we celebrate the International Day of Yoga. A day to initiate more people into the practice of Yoga and spread awareness about the benefits it offers. We have with us Juhi Kapoor, a certified yoga practitioner who was awarded by the Ministry of Ayush. In this article, she will suggest simple asanas that will help you to kick start your yoga journey.

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with worries, anxiety, and restlessness. It can be challenging to carve out a moment to stop and take a deep breath, let alone focus on calming the mind. However, achieving inner peace is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being, and there are simple techniques available to help anyone achieve it.

It is no secret that posture affects our physical health, but did you know that it can also improve digestion? In this article, we will discuss two postures that are simple yet powerful for improving digestion: Vajrasana and Malasana.

Yoga is a practice that has been followed for centuries in India. It has immense benefits for the mind and the body. One of the most significant benefits is improving digestion. In this article, we will discuss some yoga asanas that can help improve digestion and overall health.

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its amazing health benefits. One of the most significant advantages of yoga is the improvement in brain function. This is because specific yoga postures can help to open up the respiratory gap and increase oxygen flow to the brain.

The Significance of International Day of Yoga

International Day of Yoga is one of the most important days that every yoga practitioner looks forward to celebrating. It was initiated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, to spread awareness about Yoga beyond India. For Juhi Kapoor, it is an opportunity to initiate people into Yoga and to let them experience the numerous benefits it offers.

Mental Wellbeing and Yoga

In today’s stressful world, Mental health is often neglected, and people tend to suffer in silence. However, Yoga offers very simple techniques that can be used to bring yourself into a state of Peace. Juhi suggests that you should be gentle to yourself and avoid any pressure while practicing Yoga. Given below are some simple asanas that would help your mental wellbeing.

Asanas Recommended for Mental Wellbeing

Balasana (Child’s Pose): This asana helps to calm your mind and relieve stress from your body. It aids in restoring energy and harmonizing the mind and body.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend): This pose helps to reduce stress, anxiety and improves digestion. You can try this asana to soothe your mind and body.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose): This meditative pose helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety while also improving your posture.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): This asana focuses on improving your physical and mental balance. It is a grounding pose that will help to strengthen your mind while you balance on one foot.

Savasana (Corpse Pose): This pose helps to release stress and tension in your body. You can use this pose to relax your mind, body and release any anxiety.

Gyan Mudra

One of the most straightforward techniques that anybody can do anywhere is the Gyan mudra. It’s a simple gesture where you touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb. This mudra symbolizes knowledge and wisdom and can bring a person’s mind to rest. The index finger represents air, and when this element is high in our body, we tend to feel restless. By practicing this mudra, even for a few minutes a day, it can bring a state of rest and calmness to the mind. It’s especially helpful for those who tend to overthink or have a weak mindset.

Brahmari Pranayama

Another technique that can help achieve inner peace is the Brahmari pranayama. This technique activates and stimulates the vagus nerve in the body, resulting in a state of rest and the ‘rest and digest’ mode. To do this technique, you need to place your hands around your face covering your ears, eyes, and nose. Take a deep inhale and produce a humming sound while exhaling. The humming sound is known as ‘Bee Breath’. It can help you feel more grounded and improve your overall well-being.

The Power of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for centuries and has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Scientifically proven to relax the body and stimulate the mind, yoga is a powerful technique for promoting mental wellness. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, there are simple asanas (poses) that can help you get started on your yoga journey.

The Simplest Asana: Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukhasana, also known as Easy Pose, is one of the easiest asanas to practice. It can be done anywhere, even at work, although it may not be possible to hold the pose for very long during busy work hours. At home, Sukhasana can be practiced during dinner time while sitting in a comfortable position.

The Right Way to Do Sukhasana

To do Sukhasana, extend your legs out and then bring them in by rolling the calf muscle up. This rolling motion is vital to avoid discomfort while practicing the pose. Many people bring their legs in without rolling the calf muscle, which can result in discomfort. Once both legs are in, cross your ankles to give a broad base to the body. Allow the hips to open up and make sure to keep the spine nice and long.

Making Sukhasana Comfortable for You

Many beginners may not be able to sit for long periods of time in Sukhasana. In such cases, placing a little pillow under the hip can help you sit comfortably. Spend about three to five minutes in this position and focus on slowing down your breathing. You can practice Sukhasana in the morning, during breaks at work, or at night before bed to relax and de-stress.

Last Words

Remember, yoga is a journey and it is important to start with simple asanas like Sukhasana. Practicing yoga regularly can help you relax, focus, and improve your overall physical and mental well-being. Start small and gradually progress to more complex asanas as you become more comfortable with your practice. With these easy tips, you can start your journey to a healthier, happier you!


Vajrasana, also known as the Diamond Pose, is an excellent posture for improving digestion. To assume this posture, gently sit on your heels with a long spine and rest your hands on your thighs. It is important to do this posture after a meal to prevent drowsiness and ensure proper digestion.

You can spend a minimum of five to eight minutes in this posture, but if you feel discomfort in your ankles, you can place a folded towel or blanket beneath them for support.


Malasana, also known as the Garland Pose, is another posture that is great for digestion. To assume this posture, stand with your feet wider than hip distance and bring your hands into Namaste. Place your elbows on your inner thighs and gently push your knees outwards.

This simple yet effective posture can be done every day and is a great way to improve digestion. It is also known to help with reducing bloating and flatulence.

Open up your Hips

One of the best ways to improve digestion is by opening up your hips. This can be done through various yoga asanas, including the Pavanamuktasana, the Upavistha Konasana, and the Baddha Konasana. These asanas help in stretching the lower back, groin, and hips, which in turn helps in relieving constipation and other digestive problems.

Start Your Day with Yoga

Traditionally, yoga was practiced first thing in the morning. It is still a prevalent practice in Indian households. Starting your day with yoga can help improve your digestion and overall health. These asanas can be practiced right after waking up or after a light breakfast.

Connect with Your Roots

Yoga is a part of Indian culture and tradition. By practicing yoga, we not only improve our health but also reconnect with our roots. It is essential to preserve our culture and traditions. So, practicing yoga can help us connect with our body and culture.

Tips for a Daily Yoga Practice

If you are looking to make yoga a part of your daily routine, here are some tips. First and foremost, it is essential to get in touch with a yoga teacher and join a specific class. Watching a few videos here and there is not enough to learn yoga. Second, make time for yoga. Even if you are not in the mood, sit on the mat, and start the practice. The magic will happen.

When we practice yoga, we are not just exercising our physical body, but we are also strengthening our mental wellbeing. Yoga allows us to connect with our breath and bring awareness to our body. We learn to be present in the moment and let go of any distractions.

Allowing the Body to Take Charge

Yoga is not about pushing past our limits but rather listening to our body and allowing it to guide us. When we let go of our ego and allow our body to take charge, we may find ourselves doing poses we never thought possible.

Overcoming the True Enemy: The Mind

The mind can be our biggest enemy. We often tell ourselves that we can’t do something, but in reality, our body is capable of more than we give it credit for. When we overcome the limiting beliefs of the mind, we allow ourselves to grow and evolve.

Desk Yoga for Office Workers

Office workers often spend long hours sitting at a desk, which can lead to tension and pain in the body. Desk yoga is a simple and effective way to release this tension and bring a little bit of yoga into the workday.

Simple Poses for Desk Yoga

Desk yoga can be done anywhere, anytime, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. Simple poses like holding the edge of the chair and doing a side stretch can help open up the sides and release any nerve compression. Twisting poses can also be effective for relieving tension in the back.

Yoga is more than just a physical practice. It is a way to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and find inner peace. By allowing our body to take charge and silencing the mind, we can overcome limiting beliefs and find strength we never knew we had. Even a few minutes of desk yoga can make a difference in our wellbeing and productivity. So come on the mat, and let yoga work its magic.

Garudasana or Eagle Pose can be done while sitting on your chair. To do this posture, open your arms wide and then wrap your left elbow over your right elbow, binding your hands in namaste position. Make sure that your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then release. Repeat the same steps with your right elbow over your left elbow.

Cow Face Arms

Cow Face Arms is a great posture to release tension in your shoulders and upper arms. Sit straight on your chair and raise your right arm above your head. Place your right hand behind your back and stretch your right arm as far as possible. Now, take your left arm and place it behind your back, trying to hold your hands behind your back. If you cannot reach your hands, use a handkerchief or scarf to create a bind and hold it for a few breaths. Repeat this posture on the other side.

Seated Forward Fold

Seated Forward Fold is a gentle yoga posture that helps to release tension in your neck and shoulders. Sit on the edge of your chair with your feet hip-distance apart. Inhale and raise your arms above your head, and then exhale and fold forward, reaching your arms towards your ankles. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then come back to the starting position.

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist is a great posture to improve your spinal flexibility and relieve back pain. Sit straight on your chair and place your right hand on your left thigh. Inhale and raise your left arm above your head and exhale and twist to the left, placing your left hand on the back of your chair. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then release. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

Seated Hip Opener

Seated Hip Opener is a great posture to release tension in your hips. Sit straight on your chair and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Stay here or lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees for a deeper stretch. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then come back to the starting position. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

Wrist Stretch

Wrist Stretch is a great posture to release tension in your wrists, especially if you spend a lot of time typing. Sit straight on your chair and extend your right arm in front of you, palm facing down. Use your left hand to gently push down your right hand. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then repeat the same steps on the other side.

Neck Stretch

Neck Stretch is a simple yoga posture to relieve neck pain. Sit on your chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Slowly drop your left

The Respiratory Gap

The respiratory gap is the space between the lungs and the chest wall. When this space is restricted, it can cause shallow breathing, which can affect the amount of oxygen available to the brain. Practicing yoga postures that open up this gap can enhance the flow of oxygen and improve overall brain function.

The Side Stretch

The side stretch is one of the yoga postures that can help to open up the respiratory gap. To perform this posture, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your arms overhead. Place your right hand on your left wrist and stretch your body towards the right side. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side.

The Twist

Another yoga posture that can help to improve brain function is the twist. To perform this posture, sit on the floor with your left leg extended and your right foot placed over your left thigh. Place your left hand on your right knee and twist your body towards the right side. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side.

The Eagle Posture

The eagle posture is another excellent yoga posture that can help to open up the respiratory gap. To perform this posture, stand with your feet together and your arms extended at shoulder height. Cross your right arm over your left arm and bend your elbows, placing your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right elbow. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side.

The Cow Posture

The cow posture is a gentle yoga posture that can help to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain. To perform this posture, start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Inhale, dropping your belly towards the floor, and lift your head and tailbone. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute, and exhale, returning to your starting position.

These are some of the very simple asanas that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help improve your mental wellbeing. Always remember to be gentle to yourself while practicing yoga. Start with simple poses and do not put any pressure on yourself. With regular practice of these asanas, you will experience peace and harmony within yourself. So, let’s start our yoga journey today and celebrate the International Day of Yoga by spreading the awareness of its numerous benefits.

Achieving inner peace is essential, and there are many simple techniques available to help anyone achieve it. By practicing the Gyan Mudra or Brahmari pranayama, it’s possible to bring a state of rest and calmness to the mind. These techniques are easy to follow and can be done anywhere, making them perfect for daily practice. So go ahead and try them out and say hello to a more peaceful you!

Posture plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. The simple postures of Vajrasana and Malasana can go a long way in improving digestion and promoting better health.

Incorporating these postures into your daily routine can be a great way to improve your digestion and overall health. So, why not give it a try and see the difference it can make?

Improving digestion is essential for overall health. Yoga is a natural and effective way to improve digestion. So, practicing yoga asanas like Pavanamuktasana, Upavistha Konasana, and Baddha Konasana can help to relieve constipation and other digestive issues. Start your day with yoga, connect with your roots, and make yoga a part of your daily routine.

Practicing yoga postures can significantly improve brain function and productivity. Yoga can help to open up the respiratory gap, improve oxygen flow to the brain, and provide valuable health benefits. By incorporating these yoga postures into your daily routine, you can enjoy all of these amazing benefits for yourself.

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